Just an update

Hi guys and gals who are still hanging around,

I am on a hiatus (kind of). i am writing several new papers and the work is kinda hard. I will check in soon for good. Until then, enjoy life while you are alive.

By the way;

Last year was sort of a big splash maker. I finally found a solution to the problem that I was working on for fourteen years. I finally figured out a way to cure financial disability (poverty) for a lot of people.  I will be launching my first company very soon. Wish you all a very happy (belated) new year.

I have finally reached the eccentricity that characterizes many good scientist on the screens. laughs !

The Truth will out

The hurricane Sandy had made the world, especially USA and China stand up and acknowledge what the scientists have been trying to tell people for a long time.


My heart goes out to the people who are affected by this natural disaster; I however, also have to acknowledge that the people have to recognize what their politicians are not trying to see for decades; the effects of brutalizing and preying upon dwindling natural resources.

The nature is fighting back. Just take a look around all the major natural disasters in the last decade; The devastating Tsunamis in the eastern counties the damaging earthquakes, the floods in Europe and a spate of hurricanes  in the USA.

We need to sit up and adapt fast or we will we wiped out from the surface of the earth due to our own follies and denial of harsh realities. Open to interpretation!

The upside down wonderland

What happens when the world suddenly stops turning, pauses and reverses, turning in the opposite directions. That is what I am feeling when I was writing the post for today. Last few days have been so chaotic and at the same time rewarding.

I finally figured out a way to ignore the less esteemed but extremely irritating colleagues.

I got a new office; 🙂

It is much cooler and much better equipped other side of the building. It is also much quieter and provides a serene view and lots of sunshine; a rare commodity in the creeping cold.

It is where I am going to be writing my doctoral thesis and enjoying super espresso’ on a personal coffee machine. For a coffee addict it is a heaven away from home.

Feeling on top of the world. The world is a shiny red button!


The world needs more heroes! Open Season

Heroes are the people who sacrifice themselves for the greater cause. Those people who dream and get visions of a great future and work hard to bring them into present reality; Who suspend their own personal gratifications to bring smile to others’ people’ faces. We still have many social problems but where have our great heroes gone?

The past century saw great battles in the world. It also saw the rise of many historical people and new scientific inventions. Still, the greatest people of that era are slowly dying off and there are not many people charismatic enough to take their places. Do people do not dream enough these days? Where are those leaders of men and women who can lead the world into a new vision! Open session for the names ……………….

You are free to nominate anybody…………..

The Annoying Meddler

Have you ever encountered someone, who is an annoying meddler. The department politics may sometime want to make you mad enough, to want to throttle that annoying colleague; maybe that friend of your boss who secretly hates your existence and want to pin any tiny mistake on you, in order to get you in trouble. A happen to have one right in my department.

Many people have their bosses pet as their nemesis; mine just happens  to be Professor who hates my guts (due to my sheer ability to switch Departments for my PhD. I have masters in A and then I switched to B for my doctorate which horrified her). She held onto that long grudge despite personally never interacting with me. She is a woman of well…..limited mind, debatable skills…..and a number of minions at her disposal who are eager to harass me at their convenience.

Science departments are still an autocracy in themselves, basically run like little dictatorship and there is only so much that I can do to counter her considering that my thesis is yet to be submitted. Can’t wait for the day I can leave this place. Open to interpretation!

How much is too thin and just enough beautiful

It has been too often pointed out to me that I am a fat person. ergo, I should diet. The advice comes from well meaning professors, fellow researchers, cleaning staff and strangers in the cafe you don’t know…… Weird. No, apparently this is how a normal day passes for me and other women who are out there living their lives and even slightly overweight. The moment someone sees them they are labelled as fat and therefore unattractive.Then again, I exercise when I can and simply let the remarks slide.

Here is the shocker! I choose to be Fat (I am just the side of over weight and I think I offend most people when I insist on being happy just the way I am). Raised eyebrows, here they come.

The reason; I cannot read or work, if I am hungry. I work sometimes 20 hours a day and the need to maintain focus in scientific field is pretty high or I could make costly mistakes. The instruments I need to work with cost thousand of dollars.

So, I do not diet. That is a shocker to most people who cannot fathom how can I not want to be ‘Slim and Healthy’.

The pressure to be thin grows every day on women, girls and teenagers (especially by peer groups in schools and universities), as fashion magazines continue with ads featuring thin models with size zero clothes, health magazines scream bloody murder every other day saying fat is bad etc.

FACTS: Fat is stored food in a body warding off starvation if encountered. There has been a lot of ‘studies’ on fat sponsored by slim pill companies which are then cited by magazines and other news media creating an environment where every plus sized woman is subtly harassed, pitied or sneered at.

Fact: The idea of beauty is in the eye of the beholder; Different societies have different ideas on beauty, fertility or attractiveness to opposite sex.

I am an independent enlightened woman who chooses to ignore all the well meaning advice and malicious barbs. Being a woman of science, does has its advantages.

What concerns me, is that the well meaning concerns can be handled well, by a grown woman; it may very well harm a child or teenager who has to deal with the societal pressures to conform to a certain idea of body image or beauty. Failure to get that size zero figure and spotless face causes many panic attacks around the world everyday. Open to interpretation!


The importance of being a Dreamer

People cannot help the conditions that they are born in. Most people make their peace with it. Some don’t. Those people change the world.

It is not important what you have, whether you are living in utter poverty or rolling in money. What is more important is, what do you dream of at the night? What do you aspire to, in the day? It is those two things, which push or pull you in the directions you want to go.

The importance of our dreams is, in the way we look at the world. The glass  may be half full for some and half empty for the others. For those whose glass is half empty, take heart because you can still muster the courage to push the world upside down and the glass will be half full again.

A happy pocketful of dreams for all of you! 🙂

The Bully and the Nerd

Why does the bullying persist in our educational institutes?

One of the points raised by another blogger sparked a new thought. Just this morning, I was discussing the previous head of our institute and his bad policies and I came to a startling conclusion which came to fruition, when I read the reply to my blog. People in education and power often (not accusing everybody but many people are guilty as charged) use bully’s to control dissenters or people with different or more radical viewpoints in order to keep their policies and power over the place. They call it politics, which is all but a civilized term for it.

The case is similar for gifted students. A gifted student is more likely to be targeted by other students (and sometimes by envious or biased teachers) for abusive behavior because he or she may –

1. Ask many questions.

2. Hold different viewpoints.

3. Has an active imagination.

4. Is socially a bit awkward, poor or a combination of other factors such as different color, nationality, religion etc.

These students gifted as they may be; they are harder to control by a teacher or parents; therefore, to indirectly control them bully’s are encouraged to subdue them, sometimes verbally or physically, sometimes financially (through fines) for minor rule infractions or by enforcing new Draconian rules. It only gets worse in Universities where the stakes are higher.

And then we wonder where has all the imagination, out of the box thinking and curiosity gone ? It is gone, because to survive, get an education and a job, majority of the people fall in line and switch off their brains; the unlucky few who don’t, leave (voluntarily for better schools on scholarships), are expelled, jailed, turn to drugs, or kill themselves.

Look around you; similar stories are being played out in our immediate environment; the danger signs are all there. Cases like Amanda Todd were, are and will continue to be ignored till the point that the victims see no alternative other than drugs, alcohol or suicide.

Everyone will spare a moment for her death; they will all give their condolences. None will ever share her pain, except her fellow victims. Open to interpretation!

I was once accused of reading too much! True fact; and I was penalized for it.


Bad Teaching vs Good Teaching

A bad teacher can willfully or even unconsciously damage a child’s growth, interest in the studies and the grasp of one or more subject. A boring teacher can destroy a child’s curiosity in a particular subject or curiosity in general. A biased teacher can turn a child perspective upside down and skew his/ her morals. In short, a teacher is a guide to the universe and a bad guide spells trouble.

A personality clash between the student and the teacher is also a critical factor in successful bonding between a child and a teacher just like its is with a parent. While parents are genetically or emotionally (adopted child) invested in a child’s ability to learn and thrive, a teacher has no other incentive than a paying job and personal ethics.

The question of the hour is; Are there enough good teachers for all our children ? Teacher who can bond with our children and teach them the knowledge that they seek. The answer, sadly to that question is no.

Teachers, the good ones especially, are precious commodity, just like every good thing in the world. They are tenured and therefore tethered, to their elite schools early in their career, which pay higher salaries, provide better benefits while state schools are advised to cut back and increase efficiencies; threats and cutbacks often result in increased workloads, higher tempers and harried staff; resulting invariably in bad teaching and further degrading the quality of education in public schools.

Most of the research indicates that the richest nations spend the highest on their education systems. Then, why are the education budget allowed to be cut instead of being increased constantly ? The inequality of the distribution of wealth and natural resourceful starts right at birth and then continues in our schools and then colleges.

Why is it allowed ? Is a rich man’s vote worth more than a common man’s ? Open to interpretation!

A Hunter’s Awakening.

She was a simple child. She followed simple rules for she had a simple heart and led a simple life. A person of science and logic, she was raised in a normal household and went to a relatively normal school. Something on the inside, was different. She had always found it harder to bear injustice. Even as a child she found the ideals of truth, honor and pure souls fascinating. However, when she grew up, she was thrust into a world full of predators, flatterers, oath breakers and paranoia.

Heart-break taught her to distrust men.

Betrayal taught her to distrust friends.

Torture taught her to distrust authority.

Wars in the name of religion, countries and race taught her to distrust faith, politicians and racists.

Greed taught her to distrust money.

Then she found herself. She changed in the most fundamental people can change when the world finally starts making sense to them. Her path became lit with reason and logic, a sense of calmness settled in her heart and her mind became sure.

Humanity left to itself tends to destroy itself. All the great civilizations perish, all new knowledge is lost to human greed and lust of wars. So, it is left to those who can see even without the eyes where the world is headed to, to check it from time to time and tend to its gaping wounds so the world can live.

A Hunter was born. A predator to most of the excesses of the world and one who protects the next generation, provides guidance to lost souls and those who seek the truth among the lies.

A worthy life is a life lived in teaching our kids to have the courage to live in the dangerous new world, and thrive.

Thoughts for today!

Lady D

The Life of a Girls who loves pretty things